Articles Categorized: Middle School

Girls Rock! Conference

Waynflete's fifth-and-seventh-grade girls attended the "Girls Rock! Conference" sponsored by Hardy Girls Healthy Women. Hosted at the Maine Girls Academy, students participated in workshops created and lead by high schoolers on the Girls Advisory Board. Workshops included "Let Friendships Sail,"...

Science Olympiad 2018

Congrats to the students who participated in this year's Science Olympiad. Upper School placed first and third out of 16 teams. Middle School placed second out of four teams. (more…)

Sixth-grade seminar and the middle school brain

Different brain systems come online at different times. During the early teen years, the social-emotional circuitry of the limbic system becomes amplified, and teens suddenly feel their own feelings more intensely, are more sensitive to others, and have “higher highs...

Bridges & Ladders

Eighth-graders have just finished a three-part unit in Studio Art called Bridges & Ladders. Judy Novey and Jona Rice started the unit by showing a slideshow of artists through time and across cultures who used ladder-like images in a myriad...

WEAG to host screening of “Before the Flood” on March 21

The Waynflete Environmental Action Group (WEAG) is a student-led activity that raises awareness about environmental issues in our community. On Wednesday, March 21, WEAG will present a screening of Before the Flood. The film follows Leonardo DiCaprio as he examines...

Sixth-grade marine life oil pastels

Sixth-grade students recently created an observational oil pastel that focused on marine life. Using their iPads for reference, they made preliminary sketches of both salt and freshwater fish and their habitats. They composed a contour line drawing, combining their chosen...

B-T clan rocks Middle School assembly

At today's Middle School assembly, Bukowski-Thall siblings Rosey (Grade 6), Nathan (Grade 8), and Henry (Grade 10)—accompanied by music instructor, Mike Dank— rocked out in Franklin Theater. The set list included "Hallelujah," "Let It Be," and "Day Tripper."

From the archive: Novel ideas

It starts in Middle School. “Students who had been highly imaginative writers just stop writing,” says English teacher Sarah Macdonald. “They think they have a sense of what’s good and what’s not. They decide that ‘they’re not writers’ and their...

Eighth-grade hoopsters take on faculty and staff in annual basketball match

The crowd shuffled into the gym. A heightened sense of anticipation was in the air. K-1 students took their usual spot on the faculty bench while sixth-and-seventh-grade fans began waving signs in support of their favorite players. At stake: bragging...

Writing as a process

As Ed Sheeran’s “Touch and Go” plays from my desktop, my feet tapping to its rhythms, I click on the last essay to review from one of my seventh-grade English students. It’s a weekend morning, and Hurd House is quiet,...

Avalanche Foundation Youth Course

Waynflete's Blake Keogh and Beth Swartz of the White Mountain Avalanche Education Foundation led an avalanche awareness course for teenagers over February break. Waynflete students Keegan (seventh grade) and Alex (eighth grade) took part. The course was offered in partnership with Synnott Mountain...

Vendredi Gras

Today in French 7 and 8 we celebrated Vendredi Gras, our slightly-late Mardi Gras fête that is the culminating event of a week of hard work. Students researched the history and practice of Mardi Gras and French and Cajun history...

Random Acts of Kindness Day

Saturday is Random Acts of Kindness Day! To encourage participation, The Kindness Project (a Middle School activity group with eight students) prepared bags of treats for each homeroom, which they delivered at the beginning of advising lunch today. The bags contained two...

McKinsey video: “the digital future of work: what skills will be needed?”

From McKinsey & Company: For an 18-year-old today, figuring out what kind of education and skills to acquire is an increasingly difficult undertaking. Machines are already conducting data mining for lawyers and writing basic press releases and news stories. In coming...

Middle School Chinese language students celebrate the Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year—or Spring Festival—is China's most important holiday. We spend a good amount of time studying the traditions of this holiday in our middle school Chinese classes. This year, the Chinese New Year falls on Friday, February 16. This...

Co-ed sixth-grade basketball team advances to championship round in boys league

Waynflete's co-ed sixth-grade basketball team competed in the Boys and Girls Club Boys League this winter.  Coached by Technology Director Page Lennig and Waynflete parent Bill Frappier, the group began practicing together in November and finished up their season this...

Waynflete student artwork on display around Portland

Senior Lydia Giguere and junior Henry Spritz both have work on display through February 10 at Maine College of Art as part of the 2018 Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. They received the two highest honors, a silver and a gold key, respectively. (more…)

Article: 6 truths about parenting tweens in the digital age

Click here to read an interesting article by Devorah Heitner, founder of "Raising Digital Natives," that suggests guidelines for social media use and examines the balance between screen and technology-free time. (Bonus link: Heitner's TED talk "The Challenges of Raising a...

Ethiopian dance workshop brings together students from all three divisions

Dance Director Susan Nelson recently offered an Ethiopian Dance Workshop to students in honor of Waynflete's upcoming Lower School Global Focus Week on Ethiopia. From Elicia Niemiec (Physical Education): Susan Nelson held an Ethiopian dance workshop for students yesterday. I stopped by...

2017-2018 Spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. Awards

Waynflete's Diversity and Equity Committee (DEC) recently invited Middle and Upper School students to submit an application for the fourth annual Spirit of Martin Luther King Jr. Award. Interested students were asked to submit an essay in response to one...

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